Norman Lindsay’s

The Magic Pudding

Adapted By Andrew James & Music by Sarah de Jong

Please read the following information carefully before submitting your application to audition.

who can audition?

All currently enrolled Upstage students aged 8 years and up are invited to audition for The Magic Pudding.

The Show

Step into the enchanting world of Bunyip Bluegum and friends as they guard their magical pudding from sneaky thieves. With clever tricks, daring rescues, live music and a pudding with a personality, this classic Australian children’s story promises fun for all ages. Our production will be performed against the spectacular backdrop of Tocal Homestead with the help of a wildly talented team of creatives.

the audition

Date: Sunday, 28 July
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Upstage Studio, First Floor, 3/437 High Street, Maitland

What to Expect:

  • Prepared Monologue: Choose and prepare a short monologue from the selection below. If you don’t see a monologue for the character you are trying for, just learn a monologue and present it in the style of that character.

  • Prepared Song: Sing a short song (no longer than 90 seconds). You can bring a backup track or sing without backing. There are a couple of raps in the show. If you are able to beatbox or incorporate rap into your audition, we’d love to hear it!

  • Improvisation in Pairs: Participate in a reading or short improvisation with another actor on the day.

  • Accent: This is an iconic Australian story. We would love to hear how far you can go with a broad Aussie accent - think Kath & Kim, Crocodile Dundee or The Castle for inspo!

  • Open Audition: At Upstage, we hold open auditions to create valuable learning experiences. It's a wonderful chance to support each other, conquer fears, and ensure transparency in the audition process.

monologue excerpts


It all began with the whiskers… Here’s your eucalyptus soup, Uncle Wattleberry. [repeats to help Uncle Wattleberry hear him] IT’S EUCALYPTUS SOUP, UNCLE WATTLEBERRY! Every day it’s the same old thing. Up at sparrow’s, down to the creek lugging this big old bucket, mashing up the eucalyptus leaves… I don’t mind that so much. The main problem is… The whiskers! I am forced to eat outside because your whiskers fill up the place… And they blow about… And they get in the soup. The fact is Uncle Wattleberry, there’s not enough room in this treehouse for you and me and the whiskers.


[reading] “I am being treated very well by Mr Possum and Mr Wombat. I am  here of my own free will. I love my new owners. I…” [going off script] This is rubbish! Fellow Australians, if you are seeing me now it means I have been murdered by a muddle headed Wombat and a mangy maggot of a Possum!! Heeeeelp!!!

Hang on a minute. What about the dreadful news of me being poisoned at ten-thirty this morning? All very well for you. How would you like to be stuffed in a fridge with old lettuce and stale beer, soggy cucumbers and mince… not to mention bein’ poisoned.


I am now about to put before you an important proposal. Here you are a intelligent young feller, goin’ about seein’ the world by youself, and here is Sam an’ me, two as fine fellers as ever walked; goin’ about the world with a puddin’. My proposal to you is: join us, and become a member of the Noble Society of Puddin’- Owners. Here is our friend Ben here, a market gardener of the finest description. Why not build a house in this market garden? The advantages are obvious. Vegetables free of charge the whole year round, fruit in season. And a fine, simple feller like Ben to chat to of an evening.

list of characters

All characters are played by actors except Albert who is a puppet manipulated by an onstage puppeteer.

BUNYIP BLUEGUM – A Young Koala Bear

ALBERT “THE MAGIC PUDDING” – A Puppet controlled and voiced by an onstage puppeteer

BILL BARNACLE – An ex sailor

SAM SAWNOFF – A Penguin, also an ex sailor and Bill’s best mate

POSSUM – A Possum


UNCLE WATTLEBERRY – A koala Bear with huge whiskers, Bunyip’s Uncle

BANDICOOT – A Shy Bandicoot

CONSTABLE – A Constable

DOBSON DORKING – A talkative Rooster

MAVIS DORKING - Dobson’s wife





the rehearsals

Successful auditionees will be expected to be available for rehearsals on the following days:

  • Sundays: 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

  • Mondays: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

  • Thursdays: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (If this clashes with your current class time, we will work around it.)

Closer to production, cast members will be required on Sundays from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.

The first rehearsal is on Monday, July 29 from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm.

The Production

Dates: 1 - 4 October (6 performances)
Note: These performances are during the school holidays. Cast must be available for tech rehearsals and the production from Saturday, September 28 to Friday, October 4 inclusive.

The Cost

A production levy fee of $119 is required from cast members. This helps cover initial production costs such as licensing and venue hire. The levy is to be paid before or on the first rehearsal.

The Commitment

Being part of the Upstage cast means representing us in a public domain. We want every performer to feel prepared and confident, making the experience enjoyable for everyone involved. Therefore, we take rehearsals seriously and expect full commitment from all cast members.

Important: Missing more than 2 rehearsals may forfeit your place in the cast, which will be offered to someone else.

Parent-Student Decision

We understand that this commitment requires balancing schoolwork and other activities. Please discuss with your child if they can manage the rehearsal schedule and maintain focus during the sessions.

Note: While a good audition on the day goes a long way, we also take into consideration regular attendance at classes (which shows commitment) and speak with Upstage teachers about the focus and dedication of students during class.


I've never auditioned before – what can I expect? Auditions can be a bit nerve-wracking, but being prepared helps. At Upstage, we aim to create a supportive environment. Remember, we WANT you to get the part! If you have any questions or need more information, contact Ann at 0402 331 197.

I want to be part of the production, but I don't want to act. We have opportunities for Upstage students to join the tech team, gaining skills in lighting, stage management, and props. Let us know if you're interested.

I'm keen – what do I do now?

  1. Read and understand all the information above, then fill in your audition form below & submit.

  2. Use this link for a printable version of the audition monologue excerpts. We’ll see you at the audition!