Enrolment and class fees

All students pay an annual administration fee of $39 per family paid as part of a new enrolment or at the beginning of the first term of each year.

All class fees include public liability insurance.

Term fees per class are as follows:

Drama Magic for Preschoolers (3-5yrs)
$119 | 45 mins per week—8 week term

Beginner Ensemble (Yrs K - 2)
$205 | 1 hour per week—8 week term

Junior Actors Ensemble (Yrs 3- 4)
$205 | 1 hour per week—8 week term

Young Actors Ensemble (Yrs 7 - 8)
$259 | 90 mins per week—8 week term

Actors Ensemble (Yrs 9 - 11)
$259 | 90 mins per week—8 week term

Screen Acting Juniors (Yrs 5 - 8)
$289 | 2 hours per week—8 week term

Screen Acting Seniors (Yrs 7 & up)
$289 | 2 hours per week—8 week term

Junior Music Theatre (Yrs 3-6)
$205 | 1 hour per week—8 week term

Music Theatre (Yrs 7-10)
$259 | 90 mins per week—8 week term

Act Up (Improv & Acting for Adults)
$219 | 90 mins per week—8 week term

HSC Drama Studies
$259 | 1 hour per week—8 week term

Individual Lessons
By arrangement

School Workshops

Holiday Workshops
Fee as advertised at time of Workshop

Family discount

Do you have a three or more children?
Families with two or more students enrolled receive a 10% discount on term fees.

Two Class Discount

Want to enrol in more than one class?
Students doing two UpStage classes receive a 10% discount on the second class!

HSC students

HSC class term fees entitle HSC students to attend two classes for the price of one. Drop into any Senior class as well as your HSC class which will give you a chance to have a good laugh and create for the sake of being creative in your study year.

Payment Options

We understand the importance of affordability for parents. And we get that sometimes it’s hard to pay at the beginning of the term. Contact us to discuss splitting payment over the term.

affordable 3 week Trial option

We totally get it – you want to make sure Upstage is your jam. So, we're all about giving new students a 3-week trial. It's just $39 upfront, and you'll know if we're the perfect fit before diving in deeper. If you decide to stick around after your trial, we’ll invoice you for the remaining term balance.

Why 3 weeks? Our 3-week trial gives parents a front-row seat to witness the magic of our program, while your child gets the chance to settle in and embrace our enriching and supportive learning environment. 

3 Week Trials are full for Term 1!

You can join the Waitlist for when a spot becomes available.

How to Pay

Pay with credit card via Stripe or Payrix
Use the link in your invoice to pay by credit card online. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information on Stripe & Payrix fees and charges.

Internet Transaction—Direct Deposit

For one off lessons or if you miss a payment and want to pay for direct debit is due, the following account can be used. The payment must be cleared before the due date to stop direct debit. Due to the different processing times for different banks, we advise these types of payments be made one week prior to the direct debit due date to be safe.
BSB: 637 000
Account Number: 780730919
Account Name: Upstage Youth Theatre

Use student's name/surname/invoice number as the banking reference.